How To Unbrick A Phone

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  1. How To Unbrick A Hard Bricked Phone

A phone stuck in a boot loop or a phone that boots directly to recovery mode is not a bricked phone. If your phone is actually bricked that means it won’t open at all, neither you can boot into the recovery mode nor into the download mode, you cannot unbrick it on your own.

I think i bricked my phone, my phones model number is 'Micromax Canvas Spark Q380'.


I've no OS installed, No Recovery Mode Installed.

Also fastboot and adb can't recognise my device on PC.

Unbrick any android phone

I've tried this : but it also didn't worked.

Backuptrans license key crack

What to do?? any help please

Protonzz Baba
Protonzz BabaProtonzz Baba

2 Answers

For IMEI repairing on MTK devices, you'll need a tool called MAUI META 3G and BPLGU modem file

This tutorial explains it better.


Unbricking MTK devices is quite simple. You need the stock firmware and the flashtool.

  • Download the firmware here

  • SP Flashtool (the tool needed to flash the files)

  • Extract firmware zip file (I think the flashtool may be inside. If not, download it from here

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  • Install USB Drivers. (VCOM or META drivers needed, get them here)

  • Open SP Flash Tool and click the Download tab button, select “Firmware upgrade” .

  • Click Scatter-Loading button & browse to the extracted firmware folder and select MT6582M_Android_scatter.txt file (It is a map file that tells the computer where each files can be sent in the phone)

  • Now hit the Download button.

  • Connect your phone to the PC with battery inside by USB cable (Drivers shall be installed)

  • After the flashing process succeed, a green tick will appear. Disconnect your phone and power it up.

How to unbrick a android phone



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